Susan Johnson was born in the year 1956; she is an Australian author of literary fictions, memoir, short stories and essays and she has be...
Susan Johnson was born in the year 1956; she is an Australian author of
literary fictions, memoir, short stories and essays and she has been a
full-time writer of the country since the year 1985, with some short time with
the newspapers and magazines of the country.
source of picture:
Personal Background
Susan Johnson was born in the year 1956, in the city of Brisbane,
Queensland, she spent her childhood in the city of Sydney and she completed her
education in the city of Nambour, Queensland.
- Latitudes: New Writing From The North,
University of Queensland Press, 1986.
- Messages from Chaos
Harper and Row, 1987.
- Flying Lessons,
Heinemann 1990.
- A Big Life, MacMillan,
- Women Love Sex,
Vintage, 1996.
- A Better Woman: A Memoir
Random House, 1999.
- The Broken Book,
Allan & Unwin, 2005.
- Life in Seven Mistakes,
Heinemann, 2008.
- On Beauty, Melbourne
University Press, 2009.
- My Hundred Lovers,
Allen & Unwin, 2012.
Honors and Awards
Ø 1985:
Australia Council Literature Board New Writers Grant
Ø 1989:
Nancy Keesing Fellowship at Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris
Ø Shortlisted
for APA Book Design Award Best Designed Literary Fiction Book Award for The
Broken Book in the year 2006.
Ø Shortlisted
for Association for the Study of Australian Literature ALS Gold Medal for The
Broken Book in the year 2006
Ø Shortlisted
for CAL (Copyright Agency Limited) Waverley Library Award for Literature for
The Broken Book in the year 2006.
Ø Shortlisted
for the Commonwealth
Writers' Prize for The Broken Book in the year 2006.
Ø Longlisted
for the International
IMPAC Dublin Literary Award for The Broken Book in the year 2006.
Ø Shortlisted
for The
Miles Franklin Award for The Broken Book in the year 2005
Ø Shortlisted
for the National
Biography Award for A Better Woman in the year 1999
Ø Shortlisted
for the National
Book Council Banjo Award for A Big Life in the year 194
Ø Shortlisted
for the Nita
Kibble Literary Award for The Broken Book in the year 2006
Ø Shortlisted
for the Queensland Premier's Literary Awards Fiction Prize for The Broken Book
in the year 2006
Ø Shortlisted
for the Vance Palmer Prize for Fiction Victorian Premier's Literary Awards for
The Big Life in the year 1994.