Lucia Benedetti
Lucia Benedetti was born on the 30 th March 1914 in Mococa, São Paulo; she died in the year 1998 in Rio de Janeiro. She was a Brazilian s...
Lucia Benedetti was born on the 30th March 1914 in Mococa,
São Paulo; she died in the year 1998 in Rio de Janeiro. She was a Brazilian
story teller, writer of children’s literature, novelist, playwright, chronicler
and a translator.

source of picture:
Benedetti was born in Mococa and was the daughter of Dominique Benedetti and D. Leocadia M.
Benedetti. She lived in the city of Rio de Janeiro. She started writing short
stories, essays, and fictional stories for the magazine of the country called O
Ensaio while she was still a student.
Lucia Benedetti graduated in Pedagogy in Bittencourt Silva School, of Niterói; she got
her degree in legal science, though she never practiced the profession. As a
teacher she wrote for the newspaper of the country called A Noite. In the carioca newspaper of the
country she met her husband called Raimundo Magalhaes Júnior, a journalist,
playwright and a writer whom she married in the year 1933.
In the year 1942, Lucia
Benedetti together with the husband moved to the United States and there the
husband started working with Nelson Rockefeller and in the New
York Times. Lucia Benedetti became a
correspondent at the New York Times until the year 1945. It was about that same
time that she wrote her first novel called Chico Vira Bicho e outras histórias, together with the husband.
Ø Prêmio Afonso Arinos – ABL by Vesperal
com Chuva – 1950
Ø Prêmio de Teatro infantil
– Prefeitura do Distrito Federal −1954
Ø Prêmio Arthur Azevedo – ABL – 1948 by O
Casaco Encantado
Ø Prêmio A.B.C.T. – Revelação de Autor
– 1949 by O Casaco Encantado
Ø Prêmio Teatro Infantil
– Lei Jorge de Lima – 1952 by Joãozinho Anda Pra Trás
Theatre for
Children and Youth
Ø Casaco Encantado (1948)
Ø Simbita e o Dragão (1948)
Ø A Menina das Nuvens (1949)
Ø Branca de Neve(1950)
Ø Josefina e o Ladrão (1951)
Ø Joãozinho Anda Pra Trás
Ø Sinos de Natal (1957)
Ø Sigamos a Estrela
Ø Palhacinho Pimpão
Ø Chico Vira Bicho (1943)
Ø Entrada de Serviço (1942)
Ø Noturno sem Leito (1947)
Ø Três Soldados (1955)
Ø Chão Estrangeiro (1956)
Ø Maria Isabel, Uma Vida no Rio
Ø Espelho Que Vê por Dentro
Ø Banquete e a Farsa
Ø Amores de Celeste
Ø Figura de Pedro (1960)
Short Stories
Ø Inferno de Rosauro, tal como se deu(1960)
Ø Vesperal com Chuva(1950)
Ø Nove Histórias Reunidas(1956)