Ivan Ângelo
Ivan Ângelo was born on the 4 th February 1936 in Barbacena, Minas Gerais province; he is a Brazilian writer who worked as a novelist, s...

Ivan Ângelo was born on the 4th February 1936
in Barbacena, Minas Gerais province; he is a Brazilian writer who worked as a
novelist, short story writer and a journalist. He was the winner of the Prêmio
Jabuti for his books A festa and Amir?
And has been given many awards from Association of Art Critics of São
Paulo for A face horrivel and Pode me beijar se quiser. Ivan Ângelo was the former editor of the Jornal da Tarde and he has written
regular column for the weekly newspaper of the country called Veja 1999.

source of picture: www.portaldosjornalistas.com.br
Ø Homem sofrendo no quarto,
Ø Duas faces (Two Faces), 1961
Ø A festa (The Celebration), 1975
Ø A casa de vidro (The Tower of Glass, English
translation by Ellen Watson), 1979
Ø A face horrível, 1986
Ø O ladrão de sonhos e outras histórias
(The Thief of Dreams and other stories),
Ø Amor? (Love?), 1995
Ø Pode me beijar se quiser
(You can kiss me if you want),
Ø O vestido luminoso da princesa,
Ø História em ão e inha, 1998