Elchin Safarli
Elchin Safarli was born on the 12 th March 1984 in the city of Baku; he is an Azerbaijani novelist and a journalist. He has published the...
Elchin Safarli was born on the 12th March 1984 in the city of
Baku; he is an Azerbaijani novelist and a journalist. He has published the
total of ten novels.
source of picture: zaurfashion.blogspot.com
Ø Sladkaya sol Bosfora (2008)
Ø Tuda bez Obratno (2008)
Ø Ya vernus (2009)
Ø Mne tebya obeshali (2010)
Ø ...Net vospominaniy bez teba
Ø Tisyacha i Dve Nochi: Nashi na Vostoke
Ø Legendy Bosfora (2012)
Ø Esli ti bi znal (2012)
Ø Kogda ya bez tebya (2012)
Ø Resepty Schastya (2013)