Alibala Hajizade

Alibala Hajizade was born on the 28 th august 1935; he was an azerbaijani writer. Alibala Hajizade was born in Ağalık ə nd , Bil ə suva...

Alibala Hajizade was born on the 28th august 1935; he was an azerbaijani writer.
Alibala Hajizade was born in Ağalıkənd, Biləsuvar region, he stuidied in the Persian department of Azerbaijani State University. He started performing as junior scientific worker of the country in the Near and the Middle East Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
Alibala Hajizade worked as a translator in Afghanistan from the year 1966 to the year 1970. He is seen as one of the best writers of the country whose books and works were printed with the highest draws.
Alibala Hajizade died on the 8th October 2009.
Ø  "Heykəl gülür" (The monument laughs) (stories), Baku, Uşaqgəncnəşr, 1961.
Ø  Unutmaq olmur (Forgetting is impossible) (novelette), Baku, Uşaqgəncnəşr, 1963.
Ø  Məhəbbət olmayan evdə (At home without love) (novelette), Baku,Azərnəşr, 1965.
Ø  Fərruxi Yəzdinin poeziyası (Farrux Yazdi's poetry), Baku, Eım, 1965.
Ø  Cehiz(Dowry) (stories), Baku, Gənclik, 1969.
Ø  Pəhləvan (Giant) (stories), Baku, Gənclik, 1974.
Ø  Təyyarə kölgəsi (Shadow of plane) (novel), Baku, Gənclik, 1974.
Ø  İtkin gəlin (Missed bride) (novel), Baku, Gənclik, 1979.
Ø  Əfsanəsiz illər (Years without Afsana) (novel), Baku, Gənclik, 1983.
Ø  Ayrılığın sonu yoxmuş. (Endless divergency) Baku, Gənclik, 1983.
Ø  Vəfalım mənim. (My loyal) Baku, Gənclik, 1985.
Ø  Dünyanı tanı. (Know the world ) Baku, Gənclik, 1990.
Ø  İtkin gəlin (Missed bride) (novel, trilogy) 1st book. Baku, Azərnəşr, 1992
Ø  İtkin gəlin (Missed bride) (novel, trilogy) 2nd book. Baku, Azərnəşr, 1992
Ø  İtkin gəlin (Missed bride) (novel, trilogy) 3rd book. Baku, Azərnəşr, 1992
Ø  Sevəcəyəm (I shall love) (poems,stories), Baku, Diplomat, 2001.
Ø  Əsərləri (Works) (10 volumes), 1st volume, Baku, Nafta-Press, 2004/


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