Saúl Gustavo Lisazo Oscoidi
Saúl Gustavo Lisazo Oscoidi was born on the 1 st June 1956 in Los Toldos region of Buenos Aires in Argentina. He is an argentine ex-footb...
Saúl Gustavo Lisazo Oscoidi was born on the 1st June 1956 in
Los Toldos region of Buenos Aires in Argentina. He is an argentine
ex-footballer and an actor.

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Saúl Gustavo Lisazo Oscoidi is one of 6 siblings; Maria,
Fernanda, Araceli, Alejandro, Mauricio, and Vanina. One
event that marked him when he was a child was the death of the father at the
age of 12. Soccer was one of the main passions he had; he played football with
the father when he was a kid. It was the sports that took him around the world.
In Spain, he met a woman who became his wife, a former model Monica Viedma.
They gave birth to two children Paula and Martin in 1999 and in the year 2003
He played in
Sarmiento for the total of 10years. He played in Atlanta in Argentina, SkSKBeveren
and KV Mechelen in Belgium; as well as in JuventusinBrazil. He tried to play
for Barcelona but was hit by injury that took him off the pitch for the rest of
his life. He decided to become a model in the year 1983.
Saúl Gustavo LisazoOscoidi started studying dramatic art at the academy
of Argentine actress called Cristina Rotta in Spain.
After taking 2 ½
years to prepare, Saúl Gustavo got his
first opportunity in the movie called El Regreso a la Isla del Tesoro.
He moved to Mexico in the 1990s, there, he was an important image to a good
liquor industry that gave him international fame.
The first telenova
break he had was in the year 1990, when the Mexican actress Lucia Mendez
insisted that he would become her partner in her novella called Amor de Nadie.
After that, Saúl Gustavo started in
some other telenovelas like Acapulco, Cuerpo y Alma and La Jaula de Oro.
Ø El Rostro de la Venganza2012-2013
Ø El octavo mandamiento 2011
Ø Capadocia season 2 2010
Ø El Clon 2010
Ø MientrasHaya Vida 2007
Ø Ladrónqueroba a ladrón
Ø Tierra de Pasiones 2005-2006
Ø Gitanas 2004
Ø El Derecho de Nacer 2001
Ø Portu Amor 1999
Ø El Niño que Vino del Mar
Ø Vivo Por Elena 1998
Ø La Jaula de Oro 1997
Ø Bajo un MismoRostro 1995
Ø Acapulco, Cuerpo y Alma
Ø El Diaque me Quieras 1994
Ø Prisionera de Amor
Ø TeniasqueserTú 1993
Ø Amor de Nadie 1990