Mariana Esnoz
Mariana Esnoz is an argentine actress and a singer. she was born on the 25 th February 1984 in Florida, Buenos Aires, Argentina. sour...
Mariana Esnoz is an argentine actress and a singer. she was born on the
25th February 1984 in Florida, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

source of picture:
Mariana Esnoz is best known for the role she played in the teen drama of
the country called Champs 12
Ø The
Sole Veronique, The Thirteen, 2012
Ø Cain
and Abel, Telefe, 2010
Ø All
against John, Rosstoc Prod, 2010
Ø Date
Blind : Valeria, Rosstoc Prod, 2010
Ø Champs
12 : Quela, DORIMEDIA, 2009
Ø Paris
in America, 2011, the protagonist.
Ø The
Last Supper by Dan Rosen, 2009, the Protagonist.