MacedonioFernández was born on the 1 st June 1874; he died on the 10 th February 1952. He was an argentine writer, humorist and a philos...
MacedonioFernández was born on the 1st June 1874; he died on
the 10th February 1952. He was an argentine writer, humorist and a
philosopher. His writings consisted of the poems, stories, journalism, novels.
MacedonioFernández was a mentor to Jorge Luis Borges and some other avant-garde
writers of the country. 17 years of his combination with Borges was published
in the year 2000.
source of picture:
MacedonioFernández was the son of MacedonioFernández, a farmer and a
military officer and Rosa delMazo Aguilar ramos. In the year 1887,
MacedonioFernández enrolled in the ColegioNacional Central in Argentina.
From the year 1891 to the year 1892, as a student of the university,
MacedonioFernández published in El Progresso, a series if critical essays on
the customs and manners that were later added in Papelesantiguos. Just like
Borges, he had interest in psychology and in the philosopher called Arthur
He was granted the degree as a doctor of
jurisprudence by the law faculty of the University if Buenos Aires, Argentina
in the year 1897. Within that period, he wrote for La Montaña. He was a personal friend of the
physician politician and a writer called Juan B Justo. In the year 1898 he got
admitted to the bar and in the year 1899, MacedonioFernández got married to Elena de Obieta and
they had four children together.
In the year 1904, he
published some poems in a magazine known with the name Martín Fierro. He got to the position of public prosecutor in the
JuzgadoLetrado de Posadas in the year 1910 and he held the position for many
He lost his wife in the year 1920 and the children were left under the
care of the grandparents and aunts. MacedonioFernández dropped the profession of law. When the family of
Borges returned to the country from Europe in the year 1921, he renewed his
friendship with him.
In the year 1928, MacedonioFernández published No todaesvigilia la de los ojosabiertos, at the
request of ofRaúlScalabrini Ortiz and LeopoldoMarechal, he
published Papeles de Recienvenidoin
the year 1929.
In the year 1938, MacedonioFernández published "Novela de Eterna" y la Niña del
dolor, la "Dulce-persona" de unamorque no fue sabido, which
was an anticipation of the Museo de la
Novela de la Eterna that was waspostmonously published in the year 1967. In the
year 1941, MacedonioFernández
published Unanovelaquecomienza
in Chile and in the year 1944, he released the new edition of the book called
Papeles de Recienvenido. In the year
1947, MacedonioFernández moved
into the home of his son called Adolfo de Obieta and it was there that he
resided for the rest of his life.
Ø No todaesvigilia la de los ojosabiertos; arreglo de
papelesquedejó un personaje de novelacreadopor el arte, Deunamor el no
existente caballero, el estudioso de suesperanza (1928)
Ø Unanovelaquecomienza (1941)
Ø Poemas, with a prologue by
Natalicio González. México, Guarania, 1953.
Ø Papeles de Recienvenido. Continuación de la nada
(1944); Papeles de recienvenido y
continuación de la nada (1989)
Ø Museo de la novela de la eterna
(1967) (1995) (1982)
Ø No todaesvigilia la de los ojosabiertos y
otrosescritos. Advertencia de Adolfo de Obieta. Buenos Aires,
CEAL, 1967.
Ø Cuadernos de todo y nada.
Buenos Aires, Corregidor, 1972.
Ø Manera de unapsique sin cuerpo
Ø Obrascompletas (1974-1995)
Ø Relato : cuentos, poemas y misceláneas
Ø Poesíascompletas (1991)
Ø Todo y nada (1995)
Ø Textosselectos (1999)
Ø Macedonio : memoriaserrantes
In English translation
- Macedonio (1984)
- The Museum of Eterna'sNovel 2010
- Epistolario. Buenos Aires,
Corregidor, 1976. (Obrascompletas, vol. II, Alicia Borinsky, editor).
- Correspondencia, 1922-1939 : crónica de
unaamistad with Jorge Luis Borges (2000)