
LeopoldoBrizuela was born in the year 1963. He is an argentine writer and a translator. He was born in La Plata in the year 1963. sour...

LeopoldoBrizuela was born in the year 1963. He is an argentine writer and a translator. He was born in La Plata in the year 1963.
source of picture: www.larazon.com.ar

LeopoldoBrizuela has won many literary awards; including the 2012 PremioAlfaguara for the novel he wrote called UnaMismaNoche. As a translator, LeopoldoBrizuela translated the works of the American writers like Henry James, Flannery O’Connor and Eudora Welty.
Ø  Tejiendoagua, novela, Emecé, Buenos Aires1985
Ø  Cantoras, reportajes a GerónimaSequeida y Leda Valladares; Torres Agüero Editor, Buenos Aires1987.
Ø  Cantar la vida, conversaciones con lascantantes Mercedes Sosa, Aimé Paine, Teresa Parodi, Leda Valladares y GerónimaSequeida; El Ateneo, Buenos Aires1992.
Ø  Fado, poemas, La Marca, Buenos Aires1995.
Ø  Inglaterra. Unafábula, novela, Alfaguara1999.
Ø  El placer de la cautiva, nouvelle2001.
Ø  Los quellegamosmáslejos, relatos, Alfaguara, Buenos Aires2002.
Ø  Lisboa. Un melodrama, novela, Alianza2010.
Ø  Unamismanoche, novela, Alfaguara2012.
Ø  PremioFortabat de Novela 1985 porTejiendoagua
Ø  Primer PremioEdelap de Cuento 1996
Ø  PremioClarín de Novela 1999 porInglaterra. Unafábula
Ø  Premio Municipal Ciudad de Buenos Aires para el bienio 1999-2000 por la novelaInglaterra. Unafábula (2001)
Ø  Beca de la FundaciónCalousteGulbenkian de Lisboa (2001)
Ø  Beca de la FundaciónAntorchas (2002)
Ø  Beca del Banff Center for the Arts (Canadá, 2002)
Ø  PremioKonex 2004, Diploma al Mérito en la categoríaCuento: quinquenio 1999-20037
Ø  PremioAlfaguara de Novela 2012 porUnamismanoche.


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