Juan Terranova
Juan Terranova was born on the 28 th December 1975. He is an argentine writer and one of the newly appeared voices in the modern day lite...

Juan Terranova was born on the 28th December 1975. He is an
argentine writer and one of the newly appeared voices in the modern day
literature of the country. He is currently writing cultural column for the
website called HiperCritico.com and he is also running
his daily updated blog called El Conejo de la Suerte.

source of picture: blog.eternacadencia.com.ar
Juan Terranova was a major contributor to the La
Joven Guardia anthology.
In March of the year
2011, Juan Terranova authored an
article in El Guardian called Arte, provocación y guarradas en la calle,
and in the article he opened up his desire to meet the leader of Hollaback
Buenos Aires and say to her after having a drink that he would like to have a
violent sex with her. This was interpreted to be a threat of rape by the Holla
Back international and they both documented a complaint with INADI against Juan Terranova and they began Change.com
petition with the demand for his resignation. Juan Terranova tendered an
apology, which was criticized to be a justification of
the discrimination and gender violence instead of being a defense of freedom of
Ø El Caníbal. 2002
Ø El bailarín de Tango. 2003
Ø El Ignorante, poetry. 2004
Ø El pornógrafo. 2005
Ø Minombrees Rufus. 2008
Ø Lejos de Berlín. 2009
Ø Los amigos soviéticos. 2009
Ø Músicapararinocerontes
(cuentos) 2010
Ø Hiroshima. 2010
Ø El vampiroargentino. 2011
Ø Instruccionesparadar
el gran batacazointelectualargentino 2012
Ø Notas de unviaje a Italia.
Ø El coleccionista. 2001
Ø La Virgendel Cerro. 2007
Ø Peregrinaciones. 2008
Ø Diario de Alcalá. 2010
Ø Los
gauchosirónicos. 2013