Ismael Morandini
Ismael Morandini was born on the 6 th July 1978; he died on the 25 th August 2010. He was an argentine playwright and a theatre actor. I...
Ismael Morandini was born on the 6th July 1978; he died on the
25th August 2010. He was an argentine playwright and a theatre
actor. Ismael Morandini acted in 20 plays, often around and in Catamarca
and Tucumán.

source of picture:
Ismael Morandini was part of the Iron Maider troupe that was created by Sebastian
Mancilla Olivares. At the age of 18, in the year 1996, he starred in La
Enfermedad Incurable together with Juliana Reyes, AzMartínez and Lu Rodriguez.
Ismael Morandini was seen as one of the best playwrights and actors of
his region.
Early Life
Morandini had an
upper class upbringing by virtue of being the only son of a lawyer and a
doctor. He started putting interest in the acting profession at a tender age,
exhibiting famous characters at the time he was in the elementary school.
Career and Death
Ismael Morandini played the role of a boy haunted by ghosts in RazasMisteriosas.
After the first movie, he appeared in Nunca Me Dan Para Comer under the same
director, ImanolBerrio and was honored for the role he played in the play.
He went after a
career in the theatre after his college, though he changed his mind after
moving to San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Catamarca, which was the place
he joined the theatre troupe of the Chilean director, Sebastian Mancilla
Ismael Morandini later established his own theatre troupe called The
Horace: Con MuchaOnda.
In the middle part of
the year 2009, Ismael Morandini had a
car accident that claimed his life in Tucuman, Catamarca. He spent a week in
the hospital before died 25th August 2010.
Body of Works
Ø Razasmisteriosas 1985
Ø Nunca me danpara comer
Ø Mama ¿me mima? 1986
Ø Juanito el vecino 1986
Ø ¡Nosalejemos y listo! 1986
Ø Un día lo veremos 1988
Ø La lloviznaimpertinente
Ø No los vi sufrir 1989
Ø Me robaron el corazón 1989
Ø Flores de Acero 1989
Ø Simplemente me gustas 1990
Ø El Jorobado de Notre Dame
Ø Lizzie, esunamonja 1991
Ø Por favor ámame 1991
Ø Amar a los hijos 1992
Ø Yo me bajo en la otraesquina… ¿y usted?
Ø El cuarto de la abuelaSamanta
Ø La lindaes la del frente
Ø El límite ¿Quélimite? 1995
Ø La Enfermedad Incurable
Ø No me queres 1998
Ø La verdadduele 1998
Ø Las palabras se laslleva la sopa de caldo
Ø Hijos de mil ladrones 1999
Ø Eclipse Solar 2000
Ø Caretas, sínicos, hipócritas… todos son geniales
Ø Simplemente me gustas 1990
Ø Lizzie, esunamonja1991
Ø Por favor ámame1991
Ø Caretas, sínicos, hipócritas… todos son geniales2001