Enrique Liporace
Enrique Liporace was born on the 19 th June 1941. He is an argentine actor. source of picture: exitoina.com Life and Work Enriq...

Enrique Liporace was born on the 19th June 1941. He is an
argentine actor.
source of picture: exitoina.com
Life and Work
Enrique Liporace started his profession as an actor in the year 1963; he
was cast in La terraza. He gained
extensive credits as a supporting actor in the cinema of the country, as well as in the TV and theatre of the country in the
subsequent years. He worked with the leading directors of the country like Luis
Saslavsky, Hugo delCarril, Lucas Demare and Manuel Antin. He had a short
relationship with actress Soledad Silveyra in the later part of the 1960s.
His later roles
include that of the nostalgic, minor-party politician in Fernando Musa’s
Chichebombon of the year 2004 and many other leading roles.
and Theatre Roles
Ø Franzie 2009
Ø La soledad 2007
Ø Plástico cruel 2005
Ø Chichebombón 2004
Ø Un osorojo 2002
Ø Bolivia 2001
Ø Eva Perón 1996
Ø Sin querer, queriendo 1985
Ø Últimosdías de la victim 1982
Ø Tiempo de Revancha 1981
Ø Másrespetoque soy tumadre 2009-2011
Ø Les Femmes Savantes 2008
Ø Al vencedor 1982
Ø Teatrocomo en el teatro 1968
Ø Discepolín 1989
Ø Resistiré 2003
Ø Mujeresasesinas 2005
Ø Amas de casa desesperadas 2006