Eduardo Belgrano Rawson
Eduardo Belgrano Rawson was born in the year 1943 in San Luis. He is an argentine writer who has published many novels and a collection of...
Eduardo Belgrano Rawson was born in the year 1943 in San Luis. He is an
argentine writer who has published many novels and a collection of short

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In the year 1961,
when he was 18, Belgrano
Rawson travelled to Buenos Aires to Study film. While he was studying film, he
became a journalist and wrote the screenplays and historietas under a
Belgrano Rawson published his first novel called No
se turbevuestrocorazón in the year 1974 and El náufrago de lasestrellas in the
year 1979. The series of journeys to Tierra del Fuego he had on the horseback
and foot influenced his next work called Fuegia, which was published in the
year 1991, and the novel narrated the story of the family of indigenous peoplewho
came into the country in the 29th century.
He has been given the
award of many prizes in his native country and his work have been published in
many countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and in
the Latin America.
Ø "No
se turbevuestrocorazón" (novel).1974
Ø "El
náufrago de lasestrellas" (novel).1979
Ø "Fuegia"
Ø "Noticiassecretas
de América" (novel).1998
Ø "Setembrada"
Ø "El
mundo se derrumba y nosotrosnosenamoramos" (short stories).2006. published
in the English language as "Washing Dishes in Hotel Paradise" by
Hesperus Press, 2010.