Carmen Lamas
Carmen Lamas was born in the year 1900 in Spain; she died in the year 1990 in Buenos Aires. Carmen Lamas was a Spanish-born tango musician...
Carmen Lamas was born in the year 1900 in Spain; she died in the year
1990 in Buenos Aires. Carmen Lamas was a Spanish-born tango musician. She was
the first Spanish actress to work in the argentine movie industry. She made her
first appearance in the movie of the country in the year 1921 in a cast that
was manned by her father, Miguel Lamas, who was a Spanish actor and a director.

source of picture:\
Ø Radio Bar 1936
Ø Giácomo 1939
Ø Margarita, Armando y su padre
Ø Chiruca 1946
Ø ¿Quiéndijomiedo?
Ø Las alegreschicas del Maipo
Ø Me gustantodas
Ø Abajo los hombres
Ø La mejorrevista
Ø Café Concierto 1900
Ø Gran cabalgatateatral
Ø Mujeres, Flores y Alegría
Ø El callejón de la alegría
Ø A Juan I de Ardulalehanencajado la mula
Ø Un regalo del destino
Ø ¡Papá, cómprameunpríncipe!
Ø ¡Quéquiere la Rasimi!
Ø El callejón de la alegría'
Ø Dos Virginias para Pablo
Ø ¡Papá, cómprameunpríncipe!
Ø A Juan 1º de Ardulalehanencajado la mula