Calveyra was born in the year 1929 in Mansilla, Entre Rios, Argentina. He is an
argentine poet, novelist and a playwright residing in Paris, France since the
year 1960. In the year 1999, Arnaldo Calveyra was made the commander of the
French Order of Arts and Letters for the contributions he
made to the arts of the country.
source of picture:
Calveyra was born in Mansilla, Argentina in the year 1929, and he spent his
early life in Entre Rios region of the city. He started going to the high
school in the year 1942 in the Concepcion del Uruguay. In the year 1950, Arnaldo
Calveyra left the region and relocated to La Plata and it was there that he
chased after his degree at the faculty of Humanities at the National University
of La Plata. She was in Paris in December of the year 1960 for a research
fellowship and it was there that he met with Julio Cortazar, Alejandra
Pizarnik, Claude Roy, GaëtanPiconCristina Campo and Laure Bataillon. She got
married to MoniqueTur and they had two children together, Beltran and Eva.
- Chevalier
dansl'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France, Ministry of Culture, 1986)
- Officier
des Arts et des Lettres (France, Ministry of Culture, 1992)
- Commandeur
de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France, Ministry of Culture, 1999)
- Guggenheim
Poetry Fellow (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, NY NY 2000)
Ø Cartasparaque
la alegría (poetry), CooperativaImpresora y Distribuidora, Buenos Aires, 1959.
Ø El
diputadoestátriste (play), Editorial Leonardo, Buenos Aires, 1959.
Ø Moctezuma
(play) Collection Théâtre du Monde Entier, Editorial Gallimard, 1969 (French
version, translation by Laure Bataillon).
Ø Latin
American Trip (play), Cahiers Renaud-Barrault n° 75, Editorial Gallimard, 1971
(French version).
Ø Latin
American Trip (play), Monte Avila Editores, Caracas, Venezuela, 1978 (Spanish
Ø Lettres
pour que la joie (poetry), Editorial ActesSud, 1983 (French translation by
Laure Bataillon).
Ø Iguana,
iguana (poetry), Editorial ActesSud, 1985 (French translation by Laure
Ø Journal
du dératiseur (poetry), Editorial ActesSud, 1987 (French translation by Claire
Ø Cartasparaque
la alegría e Iguana, iguana (poetry), Editorial Libros de Tierra Firme, Buenos
Aires, 1988.
Ø L'éclipse
de la balle (play) Editorial Papiers-ActesSud, 1988 (French translation by
Florence Delay).
Ø Los
bares / Les bars (poetry, with a recording by Antonio Segui) Editorial Les
Yeuxouverts, Ginebra, 1988.
Ø Le
lit d'Aurélia (fiction), Editorial ActesSud, 1989 (French translation by Laure
Bataillon and Alain Keruzoré).
Ø La
cama de Aurelia (fiction), Editorial Plaza y Janés, Barcelona, 1990.
Ø L'origine
de la lumière (fiction), Editorial ActesSud, 1992 (French translation by
Françoise Campo).
Ø Palinure
(poetry) Editorial Tarabuste, 1992 (translation by Laure Bataillon).
Ø Anthologiepersonnelle
(selection of poetry), Editorial ActesSud, edited by Florence Delay, 1994.
Ø Second
edition of Lettres pour que la joie (poetry), Editorial ActesSud, 1997.
Ø El
hombre delLuxemburgo (poetry) Editorial Tusquets, Barcelona, 1997.
Ø Si
l'Argentineest un roman (essay), Editorial ActesSud, 1998 (French translation
by Claude Bleton).
Ø L'homme
du Luxembourg (poetry), Editorial ActesSud, 1998 (translation by Florence
Ø La
cama de Aurelia (fiction), TusquetsEditores, Buenos Aires, 1999.
Ø Morse
y otrostextos (poetry), Ediciones Mate, Buenos Aires, 1999.
Ø Le
livre du miroir (poetry), Ed. ActesSud, 2000 (French translation by Silvia
Baron Supervielle).
Ø "Apuntesparaunareencarnación",
(poetry) Diario de poesía, No. 53, Buenos Aires, October 2002.
Ø Si
la Argentina fueraunanovela (essay), Editorial Simurg, Buenos Aires, 2000.
Ø Libro
de las mariposas (poetry), AlciónEditora, Córdoba, Argentina, 2001.
Ø "Bibliothèquesidéales"
(selected works for the 10th edition of LettressurCour), Editorial Le temps
qu'ilfait, Vienne, France, July 2002.
Ø Paris
par écrit, Vingtécrivainsparlent de leur arrondissement, (selected works,
collection) Éditions de l'Inventaireet la Maison des écrivains, Paris, 2002.
Ø Diario
del fumigador de guardia (poetry) Editorial VOX, Bahía Blanca, 2002.
Ø Maïs
en grégorien (poetry), Ed. ActesSud, 2003 (French translation by Anne Picard).
Ø Second
edition of L'origine de la lumière (fiction), Ed. ActesSud, 2003.
Ø El
origen de la luz (fiction), Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 2004.
Ø Livre
des papillons/Libro de las mariposas (poetry), Editorial Le temps qu'ilfait,
Cognac, France, bilingual edition, 2004 (translation by Anne Picard).
Ø Maizaldelgregoriano
(poetry), Editorial Adriana Hidalgo, Buenos Aires, 2005.
Ø Tres
hombres (poetry), Editorial EloísaCartonera, Buenos Aires, 2005.
Ø Diario
de Eleusis (poetry), Editorial Adriana Hidalgo, Buenos Aires, 2006.
Ø Journal
d’Eleusis (poetry), edicionesActesSud, 2008 (translation by Claude Bleton).
Ø Poesíareunida
(complete collection of poetry), Editorial Adriana Hidalgo, Buenos Aires, 2008.
Ø El
cuadernogriego (poetry), Editorial Adriana Hidalgo, Buenos Aires, 2009.
Ø Florida
(essay), in Le goût de Buenos Aires, Jeanine Baude, Le Mercure de France,
Paris, 2009.
Ø Le
cahier grec (poetry), ActesSud, 2010 (translation by Claude Bleton).
Ø El
caballoblanco de Mozart (essays), Editorial La BestiaEquilátera, Buenos Aires,
Ø “Unaflorpara
Selma” (fiction), in La ciudad como un plano, edited by Matías Serra Bradford,
Editorial La BestiaEquilátera, Buenos Aires, 2010.
Ø La
lluvia de sobretecho… (poem from Cartasparaque la alegría, illustrated
children’s book), Editorial MágicasNaranjas, Buenos Aires, 2011.