Alberto Terrones
Alberto Terrones was born in the year 1894; he died in the year 1975. Alberto Terrones was an argentine film and theatre actor with a huge...
Alberto Terrones was born in the year 1894; he died in the year 1975.
Alberto Terrones was an argentine film and theatre actor with a huge
filmography to his name. He started his career as a spectacle actor.

source of picture:
Ø Misiónextravagante (1954)
Ø Barrio gris (1954)
Ø Unaventana a la vida (1953)
Ø Misión en Buenos Aires
Ø El hermoso Brummel (1951)
Ø El últimopayador (1950)
Ø Mary tuvo la culpa (1950)
Ø Avivato (1949)
Ø Al marido hay queseguirlo
Ø Don Bildigerno de Pago Milagro
Ø Novio, marido y amante
Ø La Secta del trébol (1948)
Ø El querecibelasbofetadas
Ø El retrato (1947)
Ø Viaje sin regreso (1946)
Ø Un modelo de París (1946)
Ø María Celeste (1945)
Ø El muertofalta a la cita
Ø Los dos rivales (1944)
Ø Su esposadiurna (1944)
Ø Su mejoralumno (1944)
Ø La piel de zapa (1943)
Ø Eclipse de sol (1943)