Albertina Carri
Albertina Carri was born in the year 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a film director, a screenwriter and an actress. source of...
Albertina Carri was born in the year 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She
is a film director, a screenwriter and an actress.

source of picture:
Albertina Carri was born in the city of Buenos Aires in the year 1973.
She became an orphan after the abduction of the parents by the National
Reorganization Process on the 24th February 1977.
She directed her first film in the year 2000, No quierovolver a casa. She won her first Buenos
Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema Audience Award and Special
Mention, as well as the Clarin Award for the best Documentary in the year 2003.
Albertina Carri is openely a lesbian and married to Marta Dillon. She is
the director of the 2008 film called La rabia.
Ø No quierovolver a casa2000
Ø Excursiones2001
Ø Aurora2001
Ø Historias de Argentina en vivo2001
Ø Barbie tambiénpuedeeStartriste2001
Ø Los rubios2003
Ø Mujeres en rojo2003
Ø De vuelta2004
Ø Géminis2005
Ø Urgente2007
Ø La rabia2008
Ø No quierovolver a casa2000
Ø Barbie tambiénpuedeeStartriste2001
Ø Mujeres en rojo2003
Ø Los rubios2003
Ø Géminis2005
Ø Urgente2007
Ø La rabia2008