Abel Parentini Posse
Abel Parentini Posse was born on the 7 th January 1934 in Cordoba, Argentina. He was an argentine writer and a diplomat. Abel Parentini P...

Abel Parentini Posse was born on the 7th January 1934 in
Cordoba, Argentina. He was an argentine writer and a diplomat. Abel Parentini
Posse was designated at a diplomatic mission in Venice by Alejandro Agustin
Lanusse in the year 1973. He held an analogous position during both the
military and civilian regime of the government of the country. He was
considered to be a foreign minister of Nestor Kirchner by the starting part of
his mandate in the year 2003, though the function was handed finally to Rafael

source of picture: pasiondelalectura.wordpress.com
Ø Los bogavantes, 1970 (novel).
Ø La bocadeltigre, 1971 (novel).
Ø Daimón, 1978 (novel).
Ø Momento de morir, 1979 (novel).
Ø Los perrosdelparaíso, 1983 (novel).
Ø Los demoniosocultos, 1987 (novel).
Ø La reinadel Plata, 1988 (novel).
Ø El viajero de Agartha, 1989 (novel).
Ø Bibliotecaesencial, 1991 (ensayo).
Ø El largo atardecerdelcaminante,
1992 (novel).
Ø La pasiónsegún Eva, 1994 (novel).
Ø Los cuadernos de Praga,
1998 (novel).
Ø Argentina, el gran viraje,
2000 (ensayo).
Ø El inquietantedía de la vida,
2001 (novel).
Ø El eclipse argentino. De la enfermedadcolectiva al
renacimiento, 2003 (ensayo).
Ø En letragrande, 2005 (ensayo).
Ø La santalocura de los argentinos,
2006 (ensayo).
Ø Cuandomuere el hijo. Unacrónica real,
2009 (novel).