TSUZUMI: Japanese musical instrument
tsuzumi is a drum that is played in Japan. The musical instrument is of Chinese
or Indian origin. The drum is made up of a wooden body that is shaped to be
like the hourglass. The musical instrument is taut with two heads with cords
that can be squeezed or released to maximize or minimize the tension of the
instrument’s heads. This pattern permits the player of the musical instrument
to increase or decrease the pitch of the instrument while he is performing on
the drum.
for this musical instrument is strange in that the heads of the musical
instrument must be bare to moisture to create a required sound. Before playing
the musical instrument, the player of the instrument will breathe very close to
the head of the instrument that will be struck. Sometimes the player will even
take some saliva and spread over to the head of the musical instrument. The
quality of sound of the musical instrument will be determined by how much
moisture is in the atmosphere where the musical instrument is being played. To
make sure the heads of the instrument are wet, the player of the instrument
will breathe into the drum head from time to time when he is not playing the