Traditional Music of Zambia
The folk of the Zambian music is originated in the beliefs and practices of Zambia’s different cultural groups and has suffered some weake...
folk of the Zambian music is originated in the beliefs and practices of
Zambia’s different cultural groups and has suffered some weaken in the last
three years. The traditional Zambian music once had clear ritual intentions of
was an expression of the social structure of the culture. Chants were used to
teach, to heal, to appeal the spirits and for mere enjoyment. In spite the
fallen of the folk music, its influences can still be heard in several of the
present Zambian musical types. The universal African call-and-response can be
heard in almost every part of the Zambian chant no matter what the pattern. The
folk drum beats and polymeters are prove in many diverse types if Zambian
music. The current renowned types include the following such as the Zambian
Kalindula also display traces of the folk music in the finger-picking pattern
utilized by guitarists.

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