The United Kingdom music refers to all types of music related with the United Kingdom since its formation. source of picture: www.wood...
United Kingdom music refers to all types of music related with the United
Kingdom since its formation.

source of picture:
the record, the United Kingdom has been a major agent and source of musical
invention in the new and current periods, drawing its cultural basis from the
record of the United Kingdom, from church music from the western culture and
from the olden and folk cultural music and instrumentations of Scotland, Wales,
England, and Northern Ireland. During in the 20th century, the music
influence from the United States became most influential in renowned music.
This dominant to the discovery of the British Attack, while subsequent popular
trends in British music include the following such as New Wave of British Heavy
Metal and the Britpop. The United Kingdom is one of the world’s biggest
industries now, with many British artists having much impact on the current
music in the British Isles during in the earliest history periods until the
Baroque and emerge of the recognizably current classical music was a different
and rich ethnic which h include the secular and scared music and extending from
the famous to the elite. Each major nation such as England, Scotland, Ireland
and Wales retained distinctive type of music and instrumentation, but the
British music was extremely influenced by the continental improvements, while
the British composers created an important support to many of the major trends
in the early music in Europe which include the polyphony of the Ars Nova and
laid some of the ground works of later national and international classical
music. Artists from the British Isles also established some unique types of
music, which include the following, the rota, Contenance Antloise, Celtic song,
polyphonic votive antiphons and the carol in the medieval period.
of the church music and religious music was deeply influenced by the Protestant
Reformation which influenced Britain from the 16th century, which
curtailed occasions related with British music and forced the improvement of
unique national music, worship and belief. The English madrigals, masques and
luteayres in the rebirth period dominant especially to the English language
opera established during in the early Baroque era of the later 70s century. In
the difference, the court music of the kingdoms of England, Ireland and
Scotland, though have distinctive rudiments continued much more essential into broader
European culture.