Rap Music of Yemen
The hip hop and the rap culture was in existence during in the early 2005 but it is only attained extensive fame in the year 2008 when th...

hip hop and the rap culture was in existence during in the early 2005 but it is only attained extensive fame
in the year 2008 when the hip hop Yemen took a leap forward and started to
extend within the youth of Yemen, particularly in Sana’a Aden.

source of picture: www.mirabaz.com
hip hop main outbreak in Yemen is frequently linked to the influence of the Hajaj
Abdulqawi Masaed (also graphed as Hagage Masaed or well recognized as AJ), an
American-Yemeni rapper releasing music since the year 1997. Though he was grown
in the United States, AJ has popularly reached Yemeni viewer by addressing to
the indigenous problems and joining the folk musical dialect into his hits.
This adaptability was also one of the purposes he drew international credit,
since he came in the Yemeni music setting, he has been associating up with
several Yemeni musicians such as Al-Akhash, Fuad Al-Kibisi, Hussein Muhib,
Ibrahim Al-Taefi, Abdurahman and Fuad Al-Sharjabi and others, who were
assisting the upcoming ones to establish their talents. He also played a major
part on spreading the understandings of the rap as a means of evolve.
of the supporting factors to the improvement of the music is also the formation
of Yemen Music House in the year 2007 that has been catering resources to the
improvement of the current music scene. In the year 2009, this was done in the
initial Yemeni Rap public festival, co-supported by the French and German
alien-missions. Due to the significant of this occasion, AJ draws a contrast
between it and the decline of the Berlin wall.