Popular music of Togo
The internationally recognized artists known as King Mensah, a former artist at the Ki-Yi M’Bock Theatre in Abidjan, traveled to Europe an...
internationally recognized artists known as King Mensah, a former artist at the
Ki-Yi M’Bock Theatre in Abidjan, traveled to Europe and Japan before launching
his own concert in French Guiana and later move to Paris and establishing
ensembles known as Favaneva. Bella Bellow is Togo’s renowned artist, and she is
frequently compared with the South Africa’s Miriam Makeba. Her profession
started after standing for her country in the year 1966 at the Dakar Arts
Festival. She started her profession of singing love-oriented ballads in the
year 1969, when she worked with Togolese-French producer known as Gerard
Akueson and later emerged on French national radio and then the admired Olympia
Music Hall. She travelled through music of the world before dying in a car
accident in the year 1973, just after recording the hit teamwork with Manu
Dibango known as Sango Jesus Christo. In Bellow’s wake came a wave of female
singers which include Ita Jourias, Fifi Rafiatou, Mabah, and Afia Mala. Other
artists include Jimi Hope. Hope is recognized for politically incisive words
and an inventive rock-based pattern.
source of picture: www.emahomagazine.com
hop is one emerge, and in the year 2003 saw the initial Togo hip hop awards