Mohammad Yousef Karger
Mohammad Yousef Karger was named one of the most successful sportsmen for Afghanistan. source of picture: Care...
Mohammad Yousef
Karger was named one of the most successful sportsmen for Afghanistan.
source of picture:
The family of Yousef
set up the first ski resort of the country and he became the national champion
in the year 1978 when he was only 16. He stopped skiing because of the soviet
in=vasion that took p[lace in the year 1979. He was a member of the Afghanistan
national team during the space of the 1970s and 80s. he coached the youth team
of the country after he became the senior manager of the country national team
in the year 2001. He led the national football team of the country to their
best successful period, thereby win ning the SAFF cup in the yuear 2013 and
coming runners in the year 2011.