History of Music in Turkmenistan
The music of itinerate and rural Turkmen tribes is closely associated to Kyrgyz and Kazakh traditional types. The important musical custom...

music of itinerate and rural Turkmen tribes is closely associated to Kyrgyz and
Kazakh traditional types. The important musical customs in Turkmen music
comprise the nomadic singers and shamans known as baksh, who performance as
healers and sorcerer and chant either a cappella or with tools like the two
cord lute known as dutar.

source of picture: maksat.wordpress.com
national poet is known as the Magtumguly Pyragy during the 18th
century, who wrote the four stanza goshuk words. The Central Asian classical
music custom known as mugam is also present in Turkmenistan as name the known
as mukamlar.
is a Soveit Repulic, and the national anthem of Turkmenistan was composed by
Veli Mukhatov with words by Aman Kekilov. In the year 1997 (well after their
independence), the anthem was evolved to Independence, Neutral Turkmenistan
State Anthem, the music and terms of which were authored by President-for-Life
Sapamurat Niyazov.