History of Music in Tunisia
Tunisia is located in the North Africa country with a dominantly Arabic-speaking populace. The country is best recognized for malouf, a ty...
is located in the North Africa country with a dominantly Arabic-speaking
populace. The country is best recognized for malouf, a type of music originated
from Andalusia after the Spanish dominate in the 15th century.
However in its current type, malouf is likely very different of the music
performed more than four centuries ago, and this have its origins in Spain and
Portugal, and is closely associated to genres with a similar record all over
the North Africa, which include the malouf’s Libyan cousin, Algerian gharnati
and Moroccan ala or Andalusi. In the time the Ottoman era, malouf was highly
influenced from the Turkish music, even today most of the malouf for instances
are very similar to that of the Turkish classical music.
source of picture: www.tunisia-tourism.org
20th century artists from Tunisia such as Jasser Haj Youssef, a
composer and a violin player, Anouar Brahem, an oud player and El Azifet, a
rare all-female group, as well as popular vocalist known as Raoul Journo,
singer and oud player, Dhafer Youssef, singers, guitarists and lutenists are
Nabil Khemir, Lotfi Bouchnak, Khemais Tarnane, Ali Riahhi, Neema, Saliha, Hedo
Jouini, Saleh Mehdi, Oulaya, Fethia Khairi and Chikh El Ofrit.
singers include the following such as Saber el Robbai, Latifa, Amina, Amina
Fakhet, Nawal Ghachem, Nabiha Karaouli, Sonia Mbarek, Soufia Sedik and the late
in the 21st century alternative music orchestras include the
following such as Aspirine, Checkpoint 303, Neshez, Kerkennah and Zemeken.
music festivals in Tunisia include the following such as Tabarka jazz festival,
Sahara Festival in Douz, and Testour’s Arab Andalusian Music Festival