HICHIRIKI: Japanese musical instrument
hichiriki is a double reed flute that is found in Japan. This musical
instrument is one of the major melodic instruments that are in Japanese gagaku
music, the other instrument being ryūteki.
This musical instrument is hard to play, because of the double reed
configuration of the instrument. Although the instrument is a double reed
instrument like the oboe, the instrument has a cylindrical bore and as such the
sound is analogous to that of the clarinet. The pitch of the musical instrument
and the decoration are controlled largely with the embouchure.
The hichiriki is
one sacred musical instrument and is normally being played at Shinto weddings
in japan. The sound of the musical instrument is usually described as haunting.
musical instrument is most widely used of all other instruments in gagaku and
it is used in all kinds of music apart from the poetry recitation.
musical instrument is derived from the Chinese bili or guan and is related to
the Korean piri.
players of the instrument who are not from Japan are Alan Hovhaness, Richard Teitelbaum, and Joseph Celli.