Folk Music of Yemen
The folk Yemenites music is generally done in a house, in a window-lined room at the peak of the house known as a mafrai during a khat che...
folk Yemenites music is generally done in a house, in a window-lined room at
the peak of the house known as a mafrai during a khat chew, in which the
artists chew a mildly psychoactive stimulant leaf. This type of act uses sung
poetry that is known as homayni; this is custom that is originated during in
the 14th century. Two of the most popular Yemenites artists include
the following such as Osama al Attar and Ahmed Fathey were presently living in
the United Arab Emirates. The urban homayni pattern recognized in the capital
of Yemen is known as Sanaan singing, is the most popular type of homatni now. There
is a huge Yemeni-Welsh society in Cardiff and other main Welsh cities. Yemeni
traditional music has thus become a main section of the Welsh music scene.

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