Distribution and access to music in Tanzania
The mushrooming of FM music stations and reasonable creation of studios has been a main improvement to the music company in the country. C...

The mushrooming of FM music stations and reasonable creation of
studios has been a main improvement to the music company in the country.
Current musicians such as lady Jaydee, Cool James, Juma nature, Mr. Nice, Mr.
II, Professor Jay, Dully Sykes and many others command a big spectator of
supporters in the country and also in the neighbouring countries.
Tanzanian has a hugely high increased
rate for internet technologies, estimated at up to 50% per year. Because costs
for computers are still fairly high, many owners share connections at internet
cafes or at work. Naomba.com
business directory, Movie and
Sports information, Arusha area
information all are part of an
increasing number of websites devoted to the area.