Baroque and classical music of Ukraine
During in the period of Baroque, music was an essential discipline for those that had received a higher learning in Ukraine. This had a pl...
in the period of Baroque, music was an essential discipline for those that had
received a higher learning in Ukraine. This had a place of considerable
importance in the planning of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Much of the nobility was
well versed in the music with many of the Ukrainian Cossack leaders such as
Sirko, Paliy, Mazepa and Holovatyj being accomplished players of the kobza,
turban or bandura.

source of picture:
the 18th century in Russian Territory court artists were usually
skilled at the music academy in Hlukhiv and hugely came from Ukraine. Popular
artists of the period include the following such as Tymofiy Bilohradsky who
later studied lute under Sylvious Leopold Weuss in Dresden, his daughter Yelyzaveta
who was a popular operatic soprano, and Oleksiy Rozumovsky, a court bandurist
and the morganatic husband of Empress Elizabeth.
initial skilled music academy was set up in Hlukhiv, Ukraine in 1738 and
students were taught to sing, playing of violin and bandura from manuscripts.
In the process many of the earliest composers and artists within the Russian
territory were ethnically Ukrainian, having been born or cultured in Hlukhiv or
has a close linked with this music institute.