Taonga puoro Music of New Zealand
The taonga puoro of the pre-European instrumental music was played with a variety of blown, twirled and struck instruments consists of hol...

taonga puoro of the pre-European instrumental music was played with a variety
of blown, twirled and struck instruments consists of hollowed-out wood, whale
ivory, stone, albatross bone and human bone. During the pre-colonial Maori
society the pukaea (wooden trumpet), hue (gourd) and putatara (conch shell
trumpet) fulfill many functions including a call to arms, dawning of the new
day, communications with the gods and the planting of crops. Over the past
thirty years Taonga puoro has been renewed by Dr. Richard Nunns, Hirini
Melbourne and Brain Flintoff.

source of picture: minnesota.publicradio.org