Modern Nigerien music
Music are for the purpose of entertainment and it has not been readily accepted by the Nigerien government; however limitations have loose...
are for the purpose of entertainment and it has not been readily accepted by
the Nigerien government; however limitations have loosened since the death of
Seyni Kountche in the year 1987. A competitive music festival is known as the
Prix Dan Gourmou helped encourage a musical rebirth in the country which was
led by people like Alassane Dante.
center for musical training and promotion was established in 1990, furthering
this process, using a donation from the European development fund. Artists made
ensembles to seek popularity both in the local and international, with the most
popular group known as Takeda, created by Reggae singer Adam Junior, Mamoudou,
Saadou Bori, Sani Aboussa, Fati Mariko, Yacouba Moumouni, Moussa Poussy and
John Sofakole.
the mid-90s, an international well-known record producer Ibrahima Sylla travelled
to Niamey and ended up singing Poussy and Saadou Bori. And since then he has
helped produce records from Adam’s Junior and from Mamar Kassey, possibly the
best known Nigerien group outside the country, who mixed traditional Songhai
pattern and new jazz.
Etran Finatawa band (the artists of custom), is made up of Tuareg and Wodaabe
members, created in the year 2004 at the festival in the Desert.
the year 2008 Tal national has been the very renowned new band in Niger. They
are based in Niamey. Their 2008 album known as A-Na waya reached the top of the
charts in Niger and earned the ensemble many awards. In the year 2013 they have
signed a contract with a worldwide record deal with Fat cat records for the
album Kaani.