Contemporary Music of Niue
As Niue renovate its music, which began to influenced by other cultures. Manaia Studio and Niue Broadcasting Corporation are the only reco...
Niue renovate its music, which began to influenced by other cultures. Manaia
Studio and Niue Broadcasting Corporation are the only recording studios on the
country. They are numerous Niue musicians who have made it to the peak. But
Paulu Fuemana of OMC (Otara’s Millionaires Club) is half Niuean and half Maori
became the first New Zealander to get to the peak of the charts in 12 countries
with his song known as How Bizarre which sold over 3 million records which
makes him the greatest successful Pacific musician ever. The Fuemana family is
the greatest successful Pacific family with over 12 NZ music awards. The artist
Che Fu is most renowned, and has won several Tui awards, a New Zealand music
award. This is a huge success for a country with a population of few thousand
people, as other countries bigger than Niue has yet to get those tops
controlled by these Niuean musicians. The Kilakokonut Krew group and record
label also consists of Niuean musicians such as Vela Manusaute and Glen
Jackson. The relocation of Niuean to New Zealand also makes greater influence
on Niuean music. There are also upcoming musicians such as MC Kava, who now
sing in current patterns of music like reggae, rap and hip hop.

source of picture:
are also numerous Niuean musicians who released records in Niuean language,
group like Victa Talima, Tama niue Mool, Island pride, TA5, PNG Highlanders,
Moana Lukeluke & Tony lan Hipa & Island Pride & Nu Beat many other
musicians to name. Fuata Muta was the first Niuean group to play and record
their own music songs. From the real playing of the instruments to the engineering
and mixing of the songs is one of Sydney’s largest recording studios in 1985
and 1986. Church choirs are also popular, though they sing traditional hymns
with no instrumental accompaniment at all.
has released Two LPs as well as several tapes and CDs.