Classical music of Norway
In the 1600s cities like Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim have their own city artists. The first important classical composers from Norway are r...
the 1600s cities like Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim have their own city artists.
The first important classical composers from Norway are recorded from the
beginning of the 18th century, when they compose dance and chamber
music like cantatas. Some of the composers include George von Bertouch, Johan
Henrik Berlin and Johan Daniel Berlin. In addition, music have established some
interest from the public in which music is established gradually especially in
more rich urban regions. Meanwhile, around 1750s individual or semi-public
music societies began emerging in many cities, given an opportunity for the
richest populace to enjoy. In 1814, Sweden and Norway entered into an agreement
and the Swedish royal family spent time in Norway’s capital known as
Christiania (Oslo) at their royal court and music were flourishing.
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