Apala Music of Nigeria
Apala is a method of vocal and percussive Muslim Yoruba music. It appeared in the late 1930s as a means of rousing worshippers after Ramad...

is a method of vocal and percussive Muslim Yoruba music. It appeared in the
late 1930s as a means of rousing worshippers after Ramadan fasting. Under the
influence of renowned Afro-Cuban drumming, apala established into a more
polished pattern and attracted a huge spectator. The music used two or three
talking drums (omelet), a rattle (which is the sekere), thum piano (which is
known as agidigbo) and bell (agogo). Haruna Ishola was the greatest popular apala
artist, and he later played an essential role in bringing apala to larger
spectators as a part of Fuji music
source of picture: www.mydailynewswatchng.com