Kompa Music of Haiti
Compass in French or Kompa (in Creole) is a recent Haitian Meringue. Born in the 19 th century is spelled Meringue in French Mereng in Ha...

in French or Kompa (in Creole) is a recent Haitian Meringue. Born in the 19th
century is spelled Meringue in French Mereng in Haiti Cerole and Haitian
Meringue in the Dominican Republic. Since Haiti embraces the western part of
the island while the Dominicans live in the eastern part of the same Hispaniola
Island, the two cultures have much in common.

source of picture: afromontreal.com
direct was popular in the mid-1950s by the sax and guitar players Nemours Jean
Baptiste. This Merengue soon became renowned throughout the Antilles,
especially in Martinique and Guadeloupe. Webert Sicot and Memours Jean Baptiste
became the two leaders in the orchestra. Sicot then left and formed a new orchestra
and an intense rivalry established, though they remained good friends. To
separate himself from Nemours, Sicot called his modern Meringue cadence rampa.