Indo-Caribbean Music of Guyana
The arrival of the Indian music with the settlers from South Asia originally includes the traditional music played with table, sitar, dhan...
arrival of the Indian music with the settlers from South Asia originally
includes the traditional music played with table, sitar, dhantal, harmonium and
dholak, later including tassa drums. Music was mainly Hindu songs known as
bhajans, as well as filmi. The tan singing pattern is special to the Indian
community in Guyana and Suriname.
famous Indo-Caribbean music started with the Surinamese star Ramdew Chaitoe in
the late 1950s with his song, the Star Melodies of Ramdew Chaitoe, and
accelerated with that country’s dropati and later Trinidad’s Sundar Popo. It
was not until the late 1970s, though, that Neisha Benjamin, the major
Indo-Guyanese performer, started producing hits like O’ Maninga. She often
addressed political issues like the socialist policies which were perceived as
oppression of the Indian community because of the constraint of flour and dall
(splitpeas) by Forbes Burham’s of the people National congressin reality these
policies were hard against all Guyanese. Nneisha was mainly a singer of love