Garifuna Music of Honduras
The Gurifuna rooted from the escape of the Island Carins who were deported from the St. Vincent to the Central America (especially Belize,...
Gurifuna rooted from the escape of the Island Carins who were deported from the
St. Vincent to the Central America (especially Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua and
also Guatemala in 1802) by the British when they defeated St. Vincent. The
Garifunas kept themselves apart from the social system then prevailing, leading
to a unique tradition that include hunguhungu, chumba, a circular dance in a
three beat rhythm, which is often mixed with punta. There are other songs distinctive
to each gender, women having the eremwu eu and abaimajani, rhythmic a cappella
songs, and laremuna wasauman, men’s work songs. Also other ways of dance music
include the matadfgmuerte, charikwawi, gunchei and sambai.

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