Drum Dances in Greenland
The Greenlandic drum dances are like the relatives found in Eastern and Central Canada based around the single dancer who composes songs s...

Greenlandic drum dances are like the relatives found in Eastern and Central
Canada based around the single dancer who composes songs sung by his family
while he dances, usually in a qaggi, a snow-house built just for the community
activities like the drum dance. The men’s drum dancing skills are assessed by
his endurance in his lengthy performance and the nature of his compositions.
Drums dances are a significant element of Greenlandic Inuit tradition unity,
and function as personal expression pure entertainment and social approval.
source of picture: ztephanie-wong.blogspot.com
drum dances are competitive in nature, featuring two songs cousins who
humorously sing and dance, while pointing out the errors in the other. It is generally
a light hearted, welcoming activity, but is also sometimes used to settle
serious competition between warring families or individuals; the jokes are
prepared ahead of time and the person who induces the most laughter from the
spectators is seen as the winner.