Maram: India musical instrument
The maram is a membranophone percussion musical instrument that is from the southern part of India. The musical instrument is made up in a...
The maram is a membranophone
percussion musical instrument that is from the southern part of India. The
musical instrument is made up in a wood cylinder with two skin heads on the
both sides of the drum. The two heads are tensioned with skin laces, resembling
rustic mridangam. The musical instrument is played with the hands with the drum
in a horizontal position and used in the folk music as well as temple music.
The maram implies ‘tree’ in the south Indian languages.
source of picture:
The valia paani maram is a sacred
musical instrument that is used only for rites in the temples. The instrument
consists of the heart wood of jack wood, engaged from the tree standing at the
temple complex. The two sides of the instrument is covered with pieces of
tanned leather of cow or bull-calf. Two hooks are made available on the both
sides for tying a cloth so that the musical instrument rests on either the
shoulder of the player on his wrist while he is playing the instrument. The
musical instrument is played with the palm of the hand. Before beating the
musical instrument, it is important that the player of the instrument should
change the cloth of the paani and have an unbleached new cloth. The leather on
the either side of the instrument has to be rubbed with the paste of new boiled
rice for the smoothness of the surface.