Hungarian duda: Croatia musical instrument
The Hungarian duda is the traditional musical bagpipe of Hungary. It is an example of a group of bagpipe musical instruments known as Medi...
The Hungarian duda is the traditional
musical bagpipe of Hungary. It is an example of a group of bagpipe musical
instruments known as Medio-Carparthian bagpipes.
Different stories exist about the
exact form of the musical instrument. Cocks describes the musical instrument as
analogous to the Bulgarian one that has chanter and a bass drone but no tenor
drone. Baines gives Hungary as one of the countries having the duda that has this
construction, also a Hungarian bagpipe with a diple chanter, one bore that
gives a variable drone, the bagpipe having an additional bass drone.
The most characteristic feature of
the Magyar duda is the double-bored chanter on it. One chanter bore, the
dallamsip, performs the melody within an octave range. The second chanter, the
kontrasip or kontra possesses a single finger hole and the sounds either the
lowest note on the melody pipe or drops to the maximum.
The Hungarian piping is characterized
by use of the kontra to provide rhythmic accompaniment and also to differ the
sound of the drone. The melody pipe has a ‘flea hole’, a general feature in the
eastern bagpipe musical instruments: the top hole on the chanter is very thin
and uncovering the hole makes it to raise the pitch of the any other note by
approximately a semitone, making the bagpipe musical instrument largely
chromatic over its range. In some historic examples, the Magyar duda was tuned
using a neutral third and sixth and the flea hole of the instrument was filled
in the wax.
There is a considerable difference in
the appearance of the Hungarian duda, but the most common form of the musical
instrument has a chanter stock that is in the form of an animal’s head and a
cow horn bell on both the kontra and the drone of the instrument. Historically,
the musical instrument was usually manufactured from the skin of a dog, but in
the modern days, the musical instrument is commonly manufactured with the skin
of a goat.
Other versions of the musical instrument
especially the ones that are being played along the borders of Croatia and
Slovakia, have as many as four chanter pipes. In these examples, one hand of
the performer plays the dominant through the octave on one pipe while the other
hand of the player performs the tonic through the subdominant on another. If
the fourth pipe of the instrument is added it is a stopped pipe that has a
thumb hole that sounds the octave when it is being uncovered.
The Hungarian bagpiping is known in
its styling by hiccupping, use of high notes to perfect lower notes, producing
a characteristic rhythmic squeaking while the musical instrument is being
performed. The playing pattern has greatly influenced certain genres of the
fiddle music in Hungary, and also characterized early church organ music in the
country: before the introduction of organs in the country, the duda musical
instrument had been used as an accompaniment instrument to hymnody in most
Up till the 1920s, the duda was the
primary musical instrument that is used at celebrations in much Hungary. As the
economy of the country improved and the pastoral lifestyle of the people
declined in essence, the lone piper at the country ball or wedding was
increasingly discarded by professional Gypsy bands that performed an urban
repertoire on more complex and more capable musical instruments. The Hungarian
bagpipe musical instrument was essentially dead except in small pockets by the
1950s but was recovered as part of the Hungarian folk revival and today, the musical
instrument is still very crucial among the folk bands of the country and their
As the case was in the Europe, the
musical bagpipe instrument was linked with shepherds and a pastoral lifestyle,
and the instrument was usually performed in the Christmas scenes to awake the
shepherds of the nativity. At the same time, the musical instrument was linked
with the pagan lifestyle of the countryside.