Caxixi: Brazilian musical instrument
A caxixi is a percussion musical instrument that is made up of a closed basket with a flat-bottom filled with seed or other smaller substa...
A caxixi is a percussion
musical instrument that is made up of a closed basket with a flat-bottom filled
with seed or other smaller substances. The round bottom of the instrument is
traditionally made from a dried gourd. The caxixi is an indirectly struck idiophone
just like the maraca; it is sounded by shaking the container of the
particles. Different sounds are produced
by varying the angles at which the instrument is shaken and this will determine
whether the contents strike the reed basket or the bottom of the caxixi.
The caxixi is found in
Africa and South America but they are mainly used in Brazil. In Brazil, the
smaller sized of the instrument started to be played together with the
berimbau. The larger size was first used on the recording of music by Airto
Moreira but it was Nana Vasconcelos that further used the instrument for
rhythmic accompaniment and ornaments. I West Africa, the caxixi is used by
singers and usually they use it together with the drummers. They believe that
the instrument can summon good spirits and chase away evil ones. More modern
caxixi are produced out of metal and have a more cutting sound because of the