Agogô: Brazilian musical instrument
An agogô also called the “agogô” in Yoruba means bell. It is a single or multiple bells that is now used all through the world but has its...
agogô also called the “agogô” in Yoruba means bell. It is a single or multiple
bells that is now used all through the world but has its origin in the
traditional Yoruba music and also in the samba-baterias. The agogô could be the
oldest samba instrument and has always been based on West African Yoruba single
or double bells. This musical instrument has the highest pitch than any bateria
musical instruments.
bell has a separate shape and size. This is what allows a different pitched
note to be produced depending on which bell has been hit. The bells were
formally made of wrought iron but now they are produced in a variety of metals
and iron for different sound qualities. The most common arrangement is two
bells that are kept by a U-shape piece of metal. The smaller bell is held to
the uppermost part of the instrument and either bell may be hit with a wooden
stick to make a cowbell like sound or a little bit like a clicking sound is
produced by pressing the two bells hard together.
musical instrument is used in the ceremonial music of religions in Yoruba land
and also in their new world practice which are based on the beliefs that was
brought by slaves from Africa such as the candomble. This musical instrument
may be officially used for congregation or bringing of news about the
dignitary. It is a major instrument of the Obatala and Orisa Nla of the Yoruba
land of Nigeria.